Oct 25, 2013

चंद्राची सांज आणि दुपारीचा तोरा

सांजेचे हे रूप.. हळद आणि गुलालाने सजलेले..
हे रूप दुपार कधीच घेऊ शकत नाही.
तिला फार तर ढगांची ओढणी.
पण हा श्रुंगार सांजच करू जाणे.

कधी कधी चंद्राची ओढ असं काही करायला भाग पाडत असेल सांजेला..
सांजेचा हा श्रुंगार पाहुन चंद्र तार्‍यांचा लवाजमा मागे सोडून अवेळी उगवतही असेल.

आणि ती दुपार, तिला हे सारं अनोळखी.
तिला स्वतःची तळपदार, मिश्कील ऐट.
तिचा खेळ आणि तिचा काळ दोन्ही वेगळे.
दाहक, निर्भीड, आपल्यातच परिपूर्ण.

Oct 24, 2013

A Fight With Dreams

Have you ever been really angry with your dreams? Like, 'you better walk out of my life and go to any sort of hell you please' angry?

I have. It's one of the most unpleasant feels. I think a more unpleasant thing was to realize that I will have to fix things on my own. If I don't, the anger or the dreams aren't going to change at all. No matter what!

I just want to be angry! Especially when I have the right to be so! And I want those stubborn dreams to sort out themselves without my help.

I should sleep.

P.S: Funny that this post should follow the lollipops? But this isn't contradictory. Lollipops are accidents. Dreams are investments. Especially those dreams which are simple.

P.P.S: If I have to fix anything myself at all, I should rather fix the situation than fixing my dreams. Yeah. I should keep that in mind for morning when I get up a bit saner.

Oct 10, 2013

I Love Lollipops

Because things happen only once in life. And there are no replays.
THAT is what makes life so amazing.
That everything that happens to us, happens for the first and the last time.
Every time, life offers you a new lollipop. Unlike all the previous ones. Like the Every Flavor Beans..
Some foul. Some sweet. But all unique.

(Of course, unlike with the beans, in real life, each flavor changes as we do.)

What I like even more than the uniqueness is the other dimension. You can never run out of lollipops. Big deal if you miss a chance. Well, it may actually be a big deal. But so what, there shall be more to come.